DVD Release DateThe Crow Director Reveals Sequel Plans Unlikely to Materialize

The Crow Director Reveals Sequel Plans Unlikely to Materialize

The director of The Crow has revealed his ideas for a sequel, but it’s unlikely they’ll ever come to fruition.

He shared that he had grand visions for continuing the story, imagining new adventures and deeper character arcs. However, due to various obstacles, these plans seem more like dreams than reality.

“I had some really exciting concepts,” he said, “but the chances of them happening are slim.” It’s a bit like wishing for a unicorn in your backyard; it sounds amazing, but it’s not very realistic.

Sometimes, I think people dream big because it’s fun, even if those dreams never come true.

Despite the enthusiasm from fans and creators alike, the hurdles in the film industry often squash such ambitions. So while the idea of a sequel is thrilling, it’s best not to hold our breath waiting for it.