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Gary Oldman Desired More Screen Time for Sirius Black in Harry Potter, Felt Character Was Underutilized

Gary Oldman felt that Sirius Black deserved more screen time in the Harry Potter movies.

In an interview, Gary expressed his disappointment, saying, “He wasn’t in it enough.” He believed that Sirius had a lot more to offer to the storyline and fans. The character of Sirius Black, Harry’s godfather, plays a crucial role in the books but didn’t get as much attention in the films. This left many fans wanting more of his presence and backstory.

Sometimes, I think it’s frustrating when movies leave out important parts from books.

Interestingly, Gary’s portrayal of Sirius was highly praised by both critics and audiences. Despite his limited appearances, he managed to leave a lasting impact. It’s always tricky when adapting books into movies because not everything can fit into the runtime. However, some characters like Sirius are so beloved that their absence is strongly felt.

In the end, fans can only imagine what more scenes with Sirius would have added to the magical world of Harry Potter.