DVD Release DateApprentice Distributor Criticizes Networks, Calling Them Cowards Over Controversial Decision

Apprentice Distributor Criticizes Networks, Calling Them Cowards Over Controversial Decision

The networks were labeled as cowards by The Apprentice distributor following a contentious decision.

The distributor’s frustration was palpable, calling out the networks for their lack of bravery. They felt the networks had made a poor choice, driven by fear rather than reason. “Cowards,” they said, emphasizing their disappointment. This reaction came after a decision that stirred up quite a bit of controversy.

I think people often act out of fear when they don’t know what else to do.

The decision in question wasn’t detailed, but the backlash was immediate and fierce. The distributor didn’t hold back, expressing their discontent openly and without reservation. It’s interesting how sometimes, decisions made in boardrooms can ripple out and cause such public uproar.