Aaron Eckhart and Tim Roth’s action-packed thriller from 2024, once a secretive flop, has now become a popular hit on Paramount+.
The movie, initially shrouded in mystery and not well-received, has found new life on streaming platforms. Audiences are now flocking to watch it, drawn by the intense performances and gripping storyline that were perhaps overlooked during its initial release. It’s funny how sometimes movies don’t get the attention they deserve until later.
I think it’s interesting how people’s opinions can change over time.
In this film, Eckhart and Roth deliver electrifying performances that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The plot twists and turns like a rollercoaster, surprising everyone with its unexpected developments.
Despite its rocky start, the movie has now carved out a special place in the hearts of many fans. Who knew that what was once considered a failure could rise to such popularity?