DVD Release Date11 Unforgettable Stories of Characters Deserving the Best Endings

11 Unforgettable Stories of Characters Deserving the Best Endings

11 Unforgettable Stories of Characters Deserving the Best Endings in 2023

There are some characters in films and shows who meet the most unfortunate ends. These characters are often adored by fans and definitely didn’t deserve the fates that writers threw their way. It can be incredibly exasperating, leaving us feeling a sense of injustice for these beloved characters. If you’re itching to find out who these characters are, brace yourself for some major spoilers ahead.

1. Cordelia, ‘Angel’

Cordelia, 'Angel'
Cordelia’s journey from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Angel was quite the transformation. She started off as the typical mean girl, constantly butting heads with the heroic protagonist Buffy. But things changed as the show went on and she made the move to Angel. Suddenly, she became a central character, with layers of complexity and a big heart.

Fans really connected with Cordelia’s character development and grew to love her. So, you can imagine the shock when she was suddenly killed off in Season 4 of Angel. It just didn’t feel right. In her final moments, she was possessed by some evil force and ended up in a coma before passing away. It felt like a forced and unfair ending for a character that had come so far.

It wasn’t until years later that her death started to make sense. Charisma Carpenter, the actress who played Cordelia, revealed that she was actually fired by series director Joss Whedon because she was pregnant. And that’s not all. Carpenter also shared that Whedon had mistreated and emotionally abused her for years. It’s safe to say that both Carpenter and her character deserved better treatment.

2. Dean Winchester, ‘Supernatural’

Dean Winchester, 'Supernatural'
Supernatural, a long-running TV series, aired for a remarkable 15 years. Throughout its run, the character Dean Winchester portrayed the unwavering and determined older brother, whose unwavering dedication to battling evil kept the entire show moving forward. In the series finale, all the major storylines of the show are resolved, allowing Dean and his brother, Sam, to return to their beloved monster-hunting activities.

After encountering an assortment of creatures including monsters, demons, angels, the Devil, and even God himself, the brothers’ final hunt together seems rather underwhelming. While engaged in a skirmish against a group of vampires who had kidnapped two young boys, Dean is unexpectedly impaled by one of the masked vampires, without any grandiose buildup or fanfare.

Unlike the numerous instances where Dean narrowly escaped death throughout the series, this time his demise is permanent. Although his passing evokes deep emotions and provides a sense of closure, it feels somewhat empty and almost unbelievable. It’s difficult to fathom how a man who endured torture in hell and emerged victorious in a battle against God could be brought down by a simple wooden stake.

3. Dobby, The ‘Harry Potter’ Franchise

Dobby, The 'Harry Potter' Franchise
Dobby, the house elf who serves the cruel Malfoy family, tugs at our heartstrings with his kind and innocent nature. It’s truly heart-wrenching to witness the mistreatment he endures. However, when Harry steps in to free Dobby from his master’s grasp, we’re filled with a glimmer of hope that things might turn out well for this sweet little elf.

Despite Harry’s pleas for him not to put himself in harm’s way, Dobby remains steadfast in protecting and defending Harry whenever he can. In one memorable scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part I, Dobby aids our heroes in their escape from his former master’s manor. Amidst the chaos, Bellatrix LeStrange hurls a knife towards Harry, but Dobby and Harry manage to evade it. Or so we think.

Tragically, Dobby meets his demise in Harry’s arms, shattering not only Harry’s heart but also that of the audience. The heartbreaking part is that there seems to be no real reason for Dobby to die. His death doesn’t serve any purpose in advancing the plot, and the heroes already have plenty of motivations to defeat the villains. Ultimately, Dobby’s death only serves to leave us feeling upset and emotionally devastated.

4. Castiel, ‘Supernatural’

Castiel, 'Supernatural'
Castiel, an angel in Supernatural, was sent by God to support the Winchester brothers throughout the show’s 15-year run. Despite facing multiple deaths, Castiel always managed to come back and fight alongside the brothers.

As the series progressed, many fans started to believe that Castiel might have developed romantic feelings for Dean, the eldest Winchester brother. The show neither confirmed nor denied this speculation until the near end of the series. In the final episodes, Castiel strikes a deal with the antagonist, the Shadow, offering his own life to save Jack. The Shadow agrees but grants Castiel one last moment of genuine happiness before fulfilling the agreement.

And what is Castiel’s final moment of happiness? It’s him finally confessing his romantic love for Dean. However, right after pouring his heart out to another man, Castiel is abruptly dragged off to hell. Sadly, the series concludes with yet another instance of a gay character being killed off after expressing their love.

5. Padmé Amidala, The ‘Star Wars’ Prequels

Padmé Amidala, The 'Star Wars' Prequels
Padmé Amidala, a strong and determined queen, played a crucial role in the Star Wars universe. Despite her importance, her character tragically meets her end in Revenge of the Sith. Her doctors attribute her death to a loss of will to live, a concept that seems out of character for her, especially considering her physical well-being.

Padmé’s heartbreak over her husband Anakin Skywalker’s transformation to the dark side was devastating. However, it is difficult to believe that she would simply give up, considering she had just given birth to twins who needed her. She even held onto the belief that there was still good in Anakin, now known as Darth Vader.

Unfortunately, in order for the story to progress, Padmé had to meet her demise. Even though her cause of death was unrealistic for her character, it was necessary for the continuation of the narrative.

6. Alex, ‘Final Destination 2’

Alex, 'Final Destination 2'
Alex is the main character in the first Final Destination movie, which came out in 2000. His premonition in the film sets the stage for the entire franchise. Throughout the movie, Alex bravely tries to beat death and save his friends.

After a series of intense events, Alex manages to save only one of his friends, Clear Rivers. Both Alex and Clear believe they are safe, even though the movie ends with the death of another friend and a warning that death isn’t finished with them.

In the second film, a new group of people find themselves facing the same enemy: Death. When the film’s main character, Kimberley, seeks out Clear and Alex for assistance, she discovers that Clear has voluntarily admitted herself to a psychiatric facility and that Alex has passed away. Clear explains to Kimberley that Alex tragically died when a brick fell on his head in an alley after the events of the first movie.

7. Tara, ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’

Tara, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
Tara, a witch and Willow’s partner in the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, was known for her unwavering loyalty and strength. She fearlessly put herself in danger to protect her friends.

Throughout the show, Tara often provided a voice of reason for Willow, who struggled with her dark tendencies. Unfortunately, Willow’s increasing obsession with and addiction to dark magic ultimately led to their breakup. However, Willow eventually overcame her addiction and she and Tara decided to give their relationship another chance.

Tragically, just as they were working on rebuilding their connection, Tara was shot and killed by a gunman. The writers of the show made the decision to kill off Tara’s character in order to deeply affect Willow, pushing her towards darkness once again.

This storyline not only had a devastating impact on the characters, but also ended the show’s only queer relationship. It echoed a common trope where women and LGBT+ characters are often subjected to tragic outcomes.

8. Daenerys, ‘Game of Thrones’

Daenerys, 'Game of Thrones'
Daenerys Targarron, the central character in Game of Thrones, spent a significant amount of time in the first seven seasons building up her army and gaining loyal followers through her commitment to treating others with respect. She was known for liberating enslaved peoples and standing up for victims of tyrannical leaders. However, the focus on her just ruling suddenly disappears in the last few episodes of the series.

In a surprising twist, Daenerys seems to go mad and uses her dragon to kill the very people she had vowed to protect. Jon Snow, another key character, then takes it upon himself to put an end to her reign by murdering her. He justifies his actions by claiming that she had become irredeemably evil and needed to be stopped. What’s puzzling is that this decision is made in a single episode, and astonishingly, everyone seems to agree with it.

It’s undeniable that Daenerys deserved a better storyline. If the showrunners had intended for her to be evil from the start, her character development should have reflected that gradual transformation. However, her sudden descent into madness suggests that the writers may have been pressed for time and forced to compress what should have been an entire season’s worth of character development into a mere hour.

9. Jaime Lannister, ‘Game of Thrones’

Jaime Lannister, 'Game of Thrones'
Jaime Lannister, initially despised in the early seasons of Game of Thrones, undergoes a significant transformation and demonstrates his capacity for heroism. However, his character development ultimately proves futile as he ultimately aligns himself with his malevolent sister, Cersei, despite being separated from her and their incestuous relationship for several seasons. Tragically, Jaime pays the ultimate price for this decision as he sacrifices his life in an attempt to aid Cersei’s escape, fully aware of her irredeemable nature. Consequently, all the positive growth he experiences in the show’s later seasons becomes irrelevant, emphasizing the notion that changing for the better is insufficient.

10. Villanelle, ‘Killing Eve’

Villanelle, 'Killing Eve'
The tension-filled game of cat-and-mouse between Villanelle and Eve in Killing Eve was definitely a big part of what made the show so popular. At first, Villanelle was the main antagonist, with her mission being to eliminate Eve. However, things quickly become more complicated as the two women develop a romantic obsession for each other.

Although Villanelle’s cold demeanor remains mostly unchanged, it becomes evident that her feelings for Eve are genuine. She reveals that beneath her heartless exterior, she is capable of making good choices. Her character development is intricate and evident throughout the series, but unfortunately, it doesn’t save her in the end.

In the finale, Villanelle is mercilessly shot down in a hail of bullets after sharing only a few precious moments of love with Eve. This ending falls into the tired trope of allowing queer characters a fleeting moment of happiness before killing them off.

11. Daenerys, ‘Game of Thrones’

Daenerys, 'Game of Thrones'